About BMA

BMA Enterprises, Inc. provides superior consulting services and software to small-to-medium sized businesses and medical organizations. Our president, Dennis C. Wiltshire, has been providing comprehensive solutions for over 25 years. Working with all facets of the healthcare insurance industry provides BMA Enterprises, Inc. with a unique understanding of the challenges that face today's medical industry.


- Blue Cross/Blue Shield of the National Capital Area (now CareFirst),
- National Capital PPO,
- General Internal Medicine Group,
- Inpatient Specialists, Inc.,
- Fredericksburg Hospitalists Group, P. C.,
- Pediatric Partners of Stafford, P.C.,
- Inpatient Surgical Consultants, Inc.,
- Hospitalists of West Michigan,
- Mill Hill Medical Consultants (Bridgeport Hospital),
- and MDxL, LLC (a specialty-based physician-network management company)

To see how our services can benefit your organization, please contact us.